Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Been So Long...

Hey ho.. it's been so long since I posted my last blog omg.... I felt that time I wasn't even realize what kind of life I'd be looking forward to. Really, time flies. Everything has happened. From happy up to horrible truth in life. Hmmm.. Srsly it has been so long!

ANYWAYS.. I've got to admit, my life is going pretty good esp me in my holiday mood. we really deserve this holiday you know, we've worked hard for the exam! sigh. the horrible truth in life that I was saying up there, was actually when I needed to go back to Jakarta for a reason... and then come back here for school. can't tell more about it. for my holiday, it's going well despite the fact that I'm going to be braced up tmoro! this is when I pray to 'Lord, have mercy upon me' and do nothing much.

I wonder if I'm going to write this holiday.. or I'll wait to be inspired once more, maybe that'll do. notice why I put 'once more'? lol.

need to go to bed soon, morning app tom!



Unknown said...

HAI DEBBY HHAHHA ISENG NE GADA KERJAAN/// LG MLS BGT BKIN HOI HUAAAAAAA..sbnerny lg mls mengerjakan segala hal hahahha.. ciao.. 

debpurnama said...

huahauha lo ada blog jga?? i see -.- ... wah lu mac's technician ya? hahahah.