Monday, December 7, 2009

oh shoot

hey. ive been homesick but now im 'healed' (if thats even the word). im back to indo. yay. so what now, lets see.

our results will be coming out on the 14th of dec. this is damn damn scary. like my fate. like our fate. one year has passed and dont tell me that it's so fast, i heard it too much. what i can do now is only hope that my hardwork pays off yknow, yea we can't do anything else anymore. we have done so much - weve slacked, weve cramped and weve studied hard. quite hard, i guess. and it better pays off srsly. im rly worried right now, like i cant even explain, but i think everyone knows the feeling. it sucks.

well lemme describe how it sucks. it really makes you to wait for the day to finally see whether youre good enough, despite either ways you know you deserve what you get. but theres also part of you that makes you dont want that day to come by that fast, cos if the result isnt as what you expected your holiday will suck, lemme tell you. suck alot. like even holiday doesnt even feel like one. you'll think that "okay lemme get myself a knife or a rope" ha-ha well ok, not that bad if you have your family around to cheer you up.

i htae tihs felenig!! arhggg im turning mad.... madness is what i am right now.

in conclusion, i want that day to come fast! whether im in or out of melb uni, just gimme the result and let me pursue my holiday in warmth and peace. thank you.
